Saturday, October 24, 2015

Deforestation Solutions And Its Types (part 2 of 2)

Strict protective measures to preserve earth through the third plan are only a second and subsidiary form of healing. Instead of dealing directly with the problem, it tends to sidetrack by supporting only one of its branches. What should be done is to have the greatest protection available for our depleted rainforests. In this way, direct controlling of the problem is needed.

The fourth and the last failed plan is International Biodiversity Program which only addresses to the underlying causes of deforestation and not the direct ones. Just like TFAP, such plans also came to end without showing good results.

The Sensible Solutions Toward Deforestation Eradication

Like the false solutions, the world also came up with realistic problem solving ideas which would help in the betterment of the deforestation problems. Some of which include: recognizing the presence of the indigenous people as the original inhabitants of all rainforests over the Earth.

Non-timber values which explain to people that other crops or products can be means of lumber substitute, the impact of debt burden to a country and how the nation can ask for help from the world bank; and lastly, putting an end to over consumption of forest made products.

Whichever deforestation solutions we use, the only thing that actually matters is how the humans react to it. If they give much time and effort for the world's conservation, then the possibilities of reaching that goal would definitely be high.

However, as human concern declines, the rate of deforestation correspondingly grows higher.

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