To learn reading the chords of a guitar, one must have the basic knowledge on what a chord is and how is it produced.
A chord is a set of tones producing a melody and is played on a guitar. The chords of a guitar can be made up of different notes that are played one string at a time whether doing it on a plucking or strumming method. Chords are played with two or three notes, can be more than. Some are played with only one note.
Categorically, there two kinds of chords – minor and major. And the basic primary chords herewith are the C,A,G,E,D or CAGED. If you are new on playing the guitar, mastering the CAGED pattern must be the first and foremost thing you should do. A lot of artists who mastered these basic chords confessed that it paved the way for easy manipulation of the other difficult chords.
Reading a Diagram
The very basic thing that you should know when learning the chords have to be learning on how to read the chord chart or chord diagram. Without these, you’ll be left in a dilemma.
A chord diagram is an illustration with instructions on how to play a particular chord. To be able to achieve a successful guitar manipulation, there should be a good interpretation of each chord stated in the diagram and the musician must read it in the most accurate way.
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